Welcome to the twisted mind of

Z martin

Looking for horror? Maybe a little fantasy?

Well you may or may not have come to the right place. My name is Z nothing more and nothing less. I am a independent author and a book reviewer. Below you will see some of my works as well as a way to contact me if you feel that is necessary. There will also be a section to sign up for a newsletter!

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Tales from Chesterfield

Chesterfield is just like any small town you’ve ever visited. The only exception is the Eldritch being controlling the town, but hey, the rents are cheap. Allow me to tell you thirteen tales of misery and despair unlike any you have ever heard. While I have you here let me just add one more to the population sign. Even if you want to leave you can’t. You belong to Chesterfield now.

5 Stars

“Z Martin's 'Tales From Chesterfield' contains thirteen stories, tiny in length but huge on horror, structured around the idea of a cursed town, the eponymous "Chesterfield" of the title. Blending cosmic and folk horror with small town pure creepiness.” Milt Theodusio.

The Gateway

A harrowing tale of fighting your own destiny. Jonas is thrown into a nightmare after encountering Eli. Will he be able to break the chains of destiny? Or will he succumb?

5 Stars

What a great story. The characters and plot of this book were amazing. I loved the section with Eli and I even enjoyed the character of Astaroth. This isn't your typical demon story.
A story with a steady pace, it's very entertaining, just the right amount of gore and characters you can feel. Highly recommend this, especially if you're newer to the horror genre.

D.A. Latham

The Price of Insanity.

A journey through my twisted mind. 13 short tales of horror that will leave you questioning your own sanity.

5 Stars

I’ve never read horror. This is my first horror read. It wasn’t so much scary for me as it was highly intriguing and provided great food for thought. That was not to say there weren’t creepy parts, but when you have peered beyond the veil, fear becomes fascination.

Stephen Blumberg author of The Eldritch Tome

The journey of Ike

A fantasy of epic proportions. The world of Alatria lies in ruins. Can Ike restore the world to its former glory? Or will he fall at the hands of the lesser gods?

5 Stars

Z Martin brings us a banger of a fantasy. I actually would have preferred for it to be longer.  There were so many exciting things introduced from meeting a mysterious hod, to going to the Northern Kingdom of Rheikan. My favorite characters are Elora, and I. Very interested to learn more about Nikir. The plot was entertaining beyond measure and the characters were invigorating. I think there were a few parts that could have been better with show don't tell, but I'm not one who's really bothered by that stuff all that much. I appreciated the story and can't wait for more. Well done Mr. Martin. Keep up the excellent writing!

Nathan Helm author of The Kingdom Society

Stroll down the crooked path

a collection of 9 short stories. Each hiding their own twists and turns.

4 Stars

Nine stories are held within the pages of this book and I enjoyed each of them for different reasons. The ones that really stuck with me are TAP and WHEN THE CICADAS DANCE. Each of these stories definitely do lead you down a crooked path and I very much enjoyed each trip!


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